As you’ve likely heard, I’m the newest ColdFusion Product Marketing Manager – Tim Buntel’s previous position prior to him moving over to Flex to spread the CF love there.
Little background on me… I’ve been with the ColdFusion product team since the Allaire days, up until a month ago as the Program Manager for the majority of the past seven years. If you haven’t heard of me it’s because I was behind the scenes making sure we built the right release, in the right time frame and working with all the organizations within Allaire, Macromedia and then Adobe to get the product shipped. I also moonlighted on other products (Flex 1.0 and Flash Player for Mobile & Devices)on and off during the years.
I’m very excited to drive CF’s success on the marketing side now and will look to you for your community input along the way. Come visit me here and recieve the latest information on ColdFusion events, news and also to partipate in discussions where I’ll be soliciting feedback from you on crazy ideas, messages and to keep in touch on things that are important in your lives as developers.. e.g. CF support for 64 bit, once we announce it ;).. we are currently “working on it”.
I look forward to hearing from you.
– Kristen